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Block N Central Park

The landscape and public realm scheme is seen as the unifying layer which connects different areas of the site, and the site to the wider townscape . It has the capacity to facilitate new connections between local residents, workers and visitors, forging new relationships which over time can help establish the space as a key part of the community infrastructure.

A series of over-arching objectives and design principles have been established which have driven and informed the development of the landscape proposals. These principles form the framework from which the landscape scheme has emerged. A summary of the these principles is given below:
• Maximise the amount of green spaces and enhance ecology and biodiversity.
• Maximise unique aspects of the existing site.
• Create a safe, publicly accessible environment, which people can enjoy at any time of day.
• Establish a new high quality public realm and landscape environment in this district of the city.
• Provide potential for outdoor wellness areas
• Create flexible communal space with the potential for a range of uses and activities.


Dublin - Ireland


Green REIT


6 ha